
Enrolment Information for Students

Enrolment information for students in Transformed courses are detailed below.

Code of Practice

Transformed is committed to following a code of practice and service standards in the provision of training services to our clients and course participants who are our customers.

For more details: Code of Practice.

You should also note our Student Privacy Policy and our Website Privacy Policy.

Please also examine the Student Support we provide.

Participant Information Guide

This guide has been prepared as a general guide for Transformed students studying one of our qualification courses. It addresses Transformed and student obligation, services provided and general information pertaining to your enrolment.

For more details: Participant Information Guide .

Reasonable Adjustment
This policy refers to the compliance requirement which requires education providers to ensure learners with disability or ongoing ill health are able to access and participate in education and training. View policy here.

Pricing, Fees and Cancellations

Transformed design courses to meet the market’s need. Pricing is monitored continuously to ensure we offer quality training for a fair and reasonable price.

Refund & Cancellation Terms

By enrolling in a course offered by Transformed Pty Ltd you agree to the terms and conditions of enrolment set out in the Pricing, Fees and Refund policy.

Special Conditions:

  • All requests to cancel or withdraw from a course (prior to commencement) must be submitted in writing.
  • Fees may vary if delivery is part of a corporate engagement. For clarification speak to your organisation representative.
  • Transformed will not permit refunds because of:
    1. participant ‘changing their mind’
    2. participant’s change of personal circumstances or workload in their employment which is beyond the control of Transformed

Details of the fees can be found in the policy: Pricing, Fees and Refunds Policy

For information about payment plans – visit our Payment Plans page.

Non standard extension form – click here to download.

Smart and Skilled Enrolments 2023-24

Please see attached document for the fees administration policy for Smart and Skilled enrolments – Fee Administration Policy.

For information about courses that have funding options – visit our Funding page.

Complaints and Appeals

Transformed recognises that clients will occasionally have a grievance concerning the operations and the VET Courses or other administrative matters, and that to be responsive to feedback we have a process to address such circumstances.

Client and participant complaints policy: Complaints and Appeals Policy

Client and participant complaints lodgement form: Complaints and Appeals Form

Unique Student Identifier

A USI is a reference number made up of numbers and letters.

The USI will allow all of an individual’s training records, entered in the national vocational education and training (VET) data collection, to be linked.

The USI will make it easier for students to find, collate and authenticate their VET achievements into a single transcript and for VET records not to be misplaced.

The USI will stay with the student for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that is undertaken from when the USI comes into effect from January 2015.

Students who enrol after mid October 2014 will also need to obtain a USI for when they complete their studies past 1 January 2015.

More information can be found here.

Transformed is able to apply for a USI on the students behalf provided the relevant paperwork and forms of ID are provided.  Download our information brief and for us to apply for a USI on your behalf (for a small fee) – download application form below, complete and submit with your enrolment form.

USI Application Form (169 KB)

Unique Student Identifier Brief (151 KB)


Not sure where to start?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for more information or contact Transformed today to discuss how you can develop the skills and knowledge to get a promotion, get a pay rise or get your dream job.