
Work Health and Safety Courses

Each week the news cycle is punctuated by stories of workplace accidents and events many of which it is revealed, could have been avoided. Now more than ever, maintaining a safe workplace is critical to an efficient and productive business environment. Aside from the challenges that a post-pandemic world is creating for businesses, even simple and very much avoidable workplace ‘slips and spills’, can result in serious injury and lost productivity.

From ensuring safe workplace practices are followed to contributing to the crafting and communication of safety measures, hazard identification and risk mitigation initiatives from the ‘shop floor’ or assembly line to the upper levels of management, the Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety is the foundation qualification for the skills to forge a meaningful and diverse career path across a diverse range of industries.

BSB41419 - Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety

  Funding available

  Distance Learning


  RPL Pathway

Transform your career today

Take the next step in your career with Transformed, one of Australia’s leading RTOs. Our experienced trainers are ready to help you discover how to transform your career with selected business and leadership/management courses.

Develop your people

Build your employees’ business and leadership/management skills and transform your organisation’s potential for success. Transformed has a proven track record in designing training programs for public and private sector organisations.

 We’ll work with you to identify the particular needs of your organisation. Then we’ll design and deliver a tailor-made program to suit you and your people.

 Talk to us about how we can customise business courses over one, two or three days to meet your organisation’s needs.